50th Reunion Class of 1965 (2015)

Check here for Reunion News and Updates

Isallie-sammy_saintmportant information:


Buy Reunion Tickets:
Ticket price:   $110 at the door.
To order the Memory Book only:  $16.

Make Checks payable to:   Sandy Brummett
Mail to:
Sandy Beatty Brummett
1131 E. Cumberland Rd.
Orange, CA  92865

Reserve Hotel Room:
Book for Santa Ana 50th High School Reunion
Irvine Marriott
Phone:  +1-949-553-0100

Class of ’65 Reunion Activities

Click HERE to see all the details!

Meet Up Plans 

See Meet Up schedule and plan details HERE.

Here’s Whassup!!

We are waiting for your “Here’s Whassup” Bios!  Go to Here’s Whassup! to see all the responses we have so far!  Read before you come so you know what your classmates have been up to.

Let’s not waste time catching up on 50 years.  Send us your news NOW so we’ll be ready to  talk at the Reunion.  Watch the Here’s Whassup page for details!   The list of contributors is growing.   Information is also posted by contributor name.  See list on left hand column of this page.
Email us at SAHSReunion1965@gmail.com  to send us your bios and photos.

Veterans Tribute 

We are honored to have many Veterans in Class of 1965.  We remember their service HERE

Scrapbook Memories of High School

With a special thank you to Mark Angell, our digital scrapbook of our Class of 1965 time at SAHS is growing fast.  See it HERE.  Send your snapshots to SAHSReunion1965@gmail.com

Elementary School Class Photos

Some of us came to Santa Ana for High School.  But many of us grew up, coming from Willard & Lathrop…. and before that, from Hoover,  Santiago, Wilson and other elementary schools.   See who you can recognize HERE.  Send your elementary school class pictures to SAHSReunion1965@gmail.com

Sound Track for 1965

Thanks to Ed Velasquez for getting this list off to a good start! See the list HERE.   There’s room in the “comments” box at the end of the list for you to write in your own favorites.  We’ll try to get them for background music at the Banquet.

Email & Snail Mail Addresses

If you aren’t getting all the emails it is because we don’t know your email address.  Write to us IMMEDIATELY and give us your name, maiden name and best email address!    SAHSReunion1965@gmail.com

If you’ve missed our previous emails (gems of literacy, they are!)
Click HERE to see the previous emails.

If you don’t have an email address, get someone to send us your snail mail address.

CHECKLIST:  Things To Do Now

  1. Send check for Reunion tickets to Sandy Beatty Brummett
  2. Mark calendar for Aug. 20 to 23, 2015
  3. Send your best email address to us at: SAHSReunion1965@gmail.com so you can get updates on our expanding Reunion plans
  4. Send your “WHASSUP” life update, bio and photo information to: SAHSReunion1965@gmail.com
  5. Email us to co-host a “MEET UP”. Hosts needed for :  Literary, Career  and more!
  6. Book your transportation and room if coming from out of area.
  7. Mark your calendar for September 12, 2015, for the annual class picnic. Irvine Park, Area One.
  8. Consider giving back:
    • Buy a commemorative Memory Brick for SAHS. (See below).
    • Contribute to the Dennis Heid Memorial scholarship fund that supports SAHS students.
    • Support the Fall Career Fair at SAHS with your attendance.

Dennis Heid Memorial Scholarship
&  “Memory Brick” information:

Dennis Heid was a class of 1965 classmate of ours at SAHS.  He died very prematurely and his family started a scholarship in his name to provide tuition assistance for selected SAHS graduates. Started by his sister, Joan Heid, in 2009, this scholarship is in memory of her late brother.   dennis_john_heidThe Foundation has given at least one scholarship every year since its inception, and aspires to continually and successfully support the achievement of the incredible students who receive these scholarship awards.  Over $300,000 has been awarded so far.
Here is the website: 
http://www.heidfoundation.org.  We will have more information about this scholarship and how to contribute both on the SAHSReunion.org website and at the Reunion

Memory Brick:  “Leave Your Mark” provides scholarships for worthy Santa Ana high school graduating students by selling bricks to donors.  The bricks are added to a courtyard with the donor’s name. It is a fundraising project of the Santa Ana High School Dollars for Scholars Chapter, an affiliated of Scholarship America a nationally recognized non-profit student aid service organization.

* $500 Saint scholarship donor
* $250 Angel scholarship donor
* $125 Halo donor
* Establishing a testamentary gift or charitable reminder trust
* Endowing a scholarship in honor or memory of a friend or relative

* Purchasing a “Leave Your Mark” Memory Brick:  (Copy and paste this address to download Memory Brick order form:   http://www.sausd.us/cms/lib5/CA01000471/Centricity/Domain/2407/leave_your_mark.pdf)

For more information on “memory brick” charitable donating, please contact Ms. Mary Lou Carrillo 714-567-4900

Other Activities:
Other activities like Drinks, events in bars or restaurants excluding the main banquet, Brunch, etc. will be “no host” and not included in Reunion ticket price.

Book Flight:
Create an air fare watch alert at your favorite travel website.

Hotel rooms & Floe’s Patio Bar:
Irvine Marriott
18000 Von Karman Ave
Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 553-0100


Prego Ristorante
18420 Von Karman Ave
Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 553-1333

520 W. Walnut St., Santa Ana
(714) 567-4901

Original Mike’s
100 S Main St, Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 550-7764

Santa Ana Historical Preservation Society
120 Civic Center Dr. W.
Santa Ana, CA 92701-7505

Send Check for Tickets:
Sandy Beatty Brummett
1131 E. Cumberland Rd.
Orange, CA  92865



16 thoughts on “50th Reunion Class of 1965 (2015)”

  1. O.K. my thoughts for a fun week-end would be at a hotel that has a bar, dancing area, nice pool area with areas for eating and drinking. good restaurant, and a hall to hold the reunion.
    Friday night a meet and greet in the bar with hors duevers and go from there.
    Saturday, out by the pool to do any kind of activities, lunch or snacks, time to look at old yearbooks, old pictures, old videos, just getting together. Maybe some of the guys would want to get a golf tournament going or just play at a nearby course. Saturday nite the reunion party. Dinner, pictures, dancing, raffle, etc.
    Sunday, a breakfast or brunch for who ever wants to come. Or a picnic at a local park.
    I love the idea of a hotel that has it all so we don’t have to leave once we get there.

    1. Kathy,

      We are planing to come to the 50th in August. Send us any info.
      Thanks, look forward to hearing from you

      Bill and Steve

      1. Please do confirm you received the Red Envelope package of information in early March? If not, we don’t have your address.

  2. Class Questionaire for the class of 1965
    fill in the following blanks with the classmate that you feel overwhelmingly wins the award for:
    Most hair challenged:
    Grayest hair (female)
    Grayest hair (male)
    Best preserved (female)
    Best preserved (male)
    Questions about you:
    name: How many years married?
    if you and your spouse are both graduates of the class of ’65, how long have you been married?
    How old is your youngest child?
    How many grandchildren do you have?
    (from a questionaire Cody, Wyo. class of 1973)
    you get the idea, if you hadn’t already come up with your own–
    PS. did this read 1995 at the top of this flyer?

    1. We have been married for 48 years . We live in Florida. I have my own business designing restaurants and commercial kitchens for the department of defense schools world wide. Michele after 43 years retired from Walt Disney World. We both are looking forward to the reunion.

    Your school tour idea is great, and interactions with current Generator staff/advisor, as well as current student government officers,
    pep squad, sport teams, etc. would be fun. The only caveat would be if anyone would be available/interested in August?

    Other thoughts include a theme of “giving back” by doing a community service project together on-campus/surrounding neighborhood,
    or funding an improvement that meets curriculum/technology needs not currently funded at SAHS, e.g. planting trees, bronze statue
    of Sammy Saint (just kidding).

    1. Let’s continue the “Giving Back” conversation! There is some information in the Red Envelope mailing that went out to everyone (if Sandy had their snail mail address!) in early April. Contribute to the Dennis Heid Scholarship fund? Buy “bricks” which provide funds for SAHS? Garden? Litter pick up? Painting?

      Any more ideas?

  4. I was on the outskirts of all the activities in school so I doubt many of you will remember me. I made it to the 20th and plan to attend the 50th barring any pressing family emergencies. You guys must be commended for all your preparation for these events. If I can help, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    I would love a Country Western setting but I am probably in the minority. The dancing and the dress up (if anyone choses) is really fun, easy and causal. And those dashing silver-haired (or lovable shiny-head) cowboys get to wear a 10 gallon hat. Just a thought. If not then please find a DJ that plays some old tunes. Maybe include The Beatles, The Band, the Beachboys, Willie and Waylan, Emmy Lou, Merle, Neal Young, Chicago, Billy Joel, The Boss, Mamas & Papas, Rolling Stones, etc.
    Anyway, looking forward to reuniting with old friends. Hope all is well with you and yours.

    1. Ed Velazquez recommends a Country Western music place: Submitted on 2015/05/17 at 5:36 pm
      Someone has an urge to go do hootin, bootin and scootin in Irvine. Well that’s a tough order to fill in Irvine but I’ve come across a place near the north end of John Wayne airport just off Redhill Ave. Its call the Atomic Ballroom the have swing dancing on the first floor and Country Western dancing on the second floor.
      17961 Sky Park Circle, Suite C, Irvine, CA 92614 | 949.250.3332 … honky-tonk anymore

      Enjoy Y’ALL.

  5. Sandy Beatty Brummett reports:


    Sharon Bartosh-Kinney first one to pay!!!!

    Thank You Sharon…..Love it!!
    It’s going to be a great reunion.

    Sandy Beatty Brummett

  6. I received Red Envelop (I still wonder how you got my address!!)
    I was very pleased to hear about this reunion, so that I seriously will try to partecipate… the trip from Italy is a long one…

    1. Mauro! This is wonderful! We would so love to see you again! Sandy Beatty Brummett gets all the credit for tracking you down. I do NOT KNOW how she did it!
      I have added you to our email list. And you can email to the Reunion Team at SAHSReunion1965@gmail.com

  7. Can anyone tell me if Gayle Neiman has ever attended any reunion? I am still trying to locate her.

  8. The 3rd grade picture was sent to me from Virginia Null. She was in the class photo but not me.
    Wouldn’t it be fun to have the grade school pictures some place for us to see and remember names the night of the reunion. Of course they would have to be blown up some for us to see better!

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