2 thoughts on “55th Reunion”

  1. Well. This is a disappointment! I was hoping to fly in for a Sept. 18 Saint home game and a weekend of wandering the bars and parks of Santa Ana. But like much else, Covid 19 has thrown a monkey wrench into that option.

    So, lets use this opportunity to share tips on WHAT IS KEEPING YOU SANE?! Tell us what you are up to during this “pandemic”? Include photos!

  2. Mark Ang.

    10:04 AM (4 hours ago)

    to Barbara
    Hi Barbara, I was going through some of the old photos and came across a photo of Jefferson Elementary and noticed that it was submitted by Rob Richardson. He was quite a bit younger than us but he was a neighbor of mine here in Santa Ana. Not sure who he knew to get the photo submitted but sadly, he passed away last

    week. I am not sure who he knew to get that photo inserted into our scrapbook, but sadly he passed away last week He was only 59.. He had MS and had been in the hospital recently but was set to be released when he suddenly passed. He got into local politics early and while attending Willard, he ran a successful campaign

    to keep the city from cutting down the Camphor trees which were in front of the school. He was a great person and will be missed by many people. Mark

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