I worked summers throughout SAHS teaching children and adults tennis for Santa Ana Parks and Recreation Dept. After high school I studied at Monmouth College (Illinois), Santa Ana Junior College (AA degree) and the University of Utah (BS degree) playing competitive tennis at each stop.
I came back to Santa Ana after my studying days were over but job opportunities were slim in So. California. With two friends we drove to Dallas, Texas to vacation and look for employment. With my tennis experience, I caught a job with Dallas Parks & Recreation where I learned there were 500 tennis courts and 45 recreation centers. It was the perfect marriage for my tennis and sports experience. Twenty eight and a half years later, I retired and moved to Forest Grove, Oregon to be close to family members.
In 1997 my father and I went to Germany where he fought in the Battle of the Bulge earning a bronze star. He was hoping to find his foxhole. We enjoyed a trip up the Rhine River and Octoberfest in Munich. Dad passed away in 2003 but I have many fond memories of that trip.
Favorite SAHS memory: Co-captain of varsity tennis team that went undefeated in Sunset League play. This team reached the finals of CIF State Tournament losing only to Santa Monica High School.
Present: Single, no children, RATS!
Look forward to seeing classmates of SAHS class of ’65 at reunion!
See you at reunion later this month!
Dan McMichael
P.S. Dan is still living in the ’60’s; has no computer or email. His sister Mary Whiteley (SAHS class of 1969) is using her computer to send this.