Steven Miles Johnson……US AIR FORCE VIETNAM 70-71…….I plan on attending the veterans meet up Aug-22.. Attended Hoover,Willard,Santa Ana High, special thanks to Dennis Hill for getting up our third grade photo. Miss Bigelows row third pic class. John Hunt very close friend..Cub Scouts Pack-124….his mom was our den mother. I was in Vietnam May 70-71..notified by letter from parents on John Hunts KIA. I worked in transportation,was a heavy duty maintenance mechanic (motor pool). I am currently still working in automotive business Subaru/GM parts in Orange County
Steven Johnson in Motor Pool, Vietnam US Air Force 1970-71
Family members deceased–Father Mother Sister. I am not married.
Still living in Santa Ana. I am still working full time. Not much traveling due to work. I bicycle to work each day to Fullerton 32 miles round trip. I rode the 100 mile mammoth century 100 miles in 2010. Bucket list is to ride down PCH coast San Francisco to Los Angeles in the future.
On my physical appearance hair loss Ha Ha!! I shave my head every other day! I have hearing aids eye glasses through the VA. Other than these 2 issues I think I am in fairly good shape for a 68 year old.
I do have some pics from military service could try to scan or bring to meetup??
As for the reunion possibly consider going but
hearing issue is kind of holding me back. Hearing aids help but noise in rooms with lots for people is sometimes a challenge. The name I go by is Steven.
Steven Johnson
See you soon.
Steven Johnson
Catch up with your classmates in SAHS class of 1965!